T-ara Lovey-Dovey (MV) + Tokyo Version (Teaser) + From Tokyo Individual Covers

The music video for Lovey Dovey, T-ara’s second single from their mini-album Black Eyes has just been released. It picks up right after their last 15-minute music video for Cry-Cry, in which Jiyeon was being taken away by the people that worked for her dad and wanted revenge for his death, and Cha Seung Won was left for dead after receiving a bullet and being beaten. How will the story end?Continue reading “T-ara Lovey-Dovey (MV) + Tokyo Version (Teaser) + From Tokyo Individual Covers”


BIGBANG, many of you know them, but to those that don’t and want to get to know them, here I will introduce them to you. I will show you the best of everything they have done, so that you can understand why many people love them so much and how diverse k-pop is. Continue reading “BIGBANG”

T-ara Cry Cry (MV)

T-ara comes back with a 15 minute video for their new single Cry Cry, from their new released mini-album Black Eyes. This video is the first part to their mini-movie, you can see the teaser to the second and final part, which will be the single Lovey Dovey at the end of the video. The videos star actor Cha Seung Won, and T-ara’s Jiyeon, Qri, Eunjung, and Hyomin. Continue reading “T-ara Cry Cry (MV)”